Bolivian ram cichlid - Mikrogeophagus altispinosus

Bolivian ram cichlid are impressively coloured, will not grow too large, will eat most foods, and they can adapt to a number of water conditions...

 Bolivian ram cichlid, also know as Bolivian butterfly, Ruby crown cichlid, Crenicara altispinosa, Microgeophagus altispinosus, Papiliochromis altispinosus and its scientific name Mikrogeophagus altispinosus, are impressively coloured, will not grow too large, will eat most foods, and they can adapt to a diverse number of water conditions with ease. If you want a colourful, peaceful dwarf cichlid for a planted community or, if you have had trouble keeping Mikrogeophagus ramirezi in the past and would like something similar that is not as demanding, the Bolivian ram maybe just what you are after!

Bolivian ram cichlid - Mikrogeophagus altispinosus


 Bolivian ram cichlid is endemic to the Amazon River basin in Brazil and Bolivia. It prefers shallow water and is usually found in slower moving water that is created by dense vegetation and fallen trees. Due to the density of the vegetation, their natural habitat is shaded and provides plenty of hiding places and territorial markers.

 Mikrogeophagus altispinosus can grow to 7- 8 cm in height, with a life span of more than 5 years. Although this species is less intense in colour to the similar ram cichlid - Mikrogeophagus ramirezi, it still a great looking cichlid.

 It has a gold belly and an iridescent bluish hue, accompanied by red highlights on the fins, a thin vertical black bar down through the face and a dark splotch in the middle of the body. Only slight variances between geographical locations occur, but most are not noted in the aquarium trade.

 Adult males grow larger than females and possess slightly more extended fins. They also are generally more intense in colour when compared to the female. The mature males are very active and often display to the females, spreading their fins.

Bolivian ram cichlid - Mikrogeophagus altispinosus


 Bolivian ram cichlid can be kept in relatively small aquaria, with minimum volumes of 20 gallons for a pair with water temperature of 24-28°C, pH level of 6.0-7.5 and general hardness of 50-180 ppm. Keep in mind that there should be enough room for each fish to have a territory on their own. Weekly 30% water changes and regular filter cleaning maintained water quality acceptable to these cichlids.

 It is recommended tto provide lots of plants and shelter for these fish in the home aquarium. Pieces of driftwood will be useful as well, providing the fish with refuge in the face of a threat. Also consider flat stones on which the fish will lay their eggs if the conditions are favorable. A recommended substrate is sand or fine gravel.

 Mikrogeophagus altispinosus are a shy and relatively peaceful cichlid which are well suited to being kept in small groups of 4-6 in a community tank. Tetras or similar mid-water species are recommended as tank mates, since the presence of small to medium sized fish appears to reduce their natural shyness. The addition of peaceful bottom dwellers such as Corydoras species and other catfish well help create an ideal community environment.

 This species benefit from a varied diet. It is recommend to feed foods high in beta-carotene to enhance colouration. They are bottom feeders, so feed good quality sinking foods. Supplement their diet with high quality frozen foods. Brine Shrimp is naturally rich in beta-carotene, while the Mysis Shrimp also contains beta-carotene.

Bolivian ram cichlid - Mikrogeophagus altispinosus


 Bolivian ram cichlid is not difficult to breed. It is best to allow pairs to develop within a group of juveniles. When mature, the male become very active, chasing and displaying to the females. After several weeks, the male paired with one of the females and started to court her while still chasing the other females. The courtship consisted of reciprocal lateral displays and mouthing rocks in the courtship area. After several days of courtship, the pair started to prepare spawning sites, including shallow pits.

 During this time the male becomes very aggressive, so it is advisable to separate the pair from the rest of the fish with a divider placed crosswise in the aquarium. A few hours after the preparation of spawning sites, the female begins the act of spawning with a few dry runs, while the male watches her keenly. Then the spawning process begins; the female lays the ovoid, light gray eggs, a few at a time, and they are immediately fertilized by the male. The spawning lasts for about an hour, and in this time around 100 to 300 eggs will be laid in a circle. Both male and female participate equally in brood care.

 Incubation is 2-3 days. Newly hatched fry are transported by the mouths of the parents to the shallow pits dug by the male during courtship and moved regularly between pits. The fry remain largely immobile for a further 5-8 days and do not require any supplementary food. After this period the fry are led about in a dense school by the parents for foraging. When fry become free swimming, they should feed them newly hatched Artemia (baby brine shrimp). After three weeks, they will also accept smaller frozen foods.

 The pair in the community aquarium continued to spawn about every three to four weeks, and the male remain bonded with the female.




Amphiprion,1,Andinoacara,1,Angelfish,2,Apistogramma,1,Butterflyfish,4,Cambarellus,1,Cardinalfish,1,Chaetodon,1,Chelmon,2,Cichlid,4,Cirrhitichthys,1,Clownfish,1,Copella,1,Crayfish,1,Cyrtocara,1,Dendrochirus,1,Dragonet,1,Forcipiger,1,Freshwater fish,14,Freshwater invertebrates,2,Gourami,4,Hawkfish,1,Helostoma,1,Hyphessobrycon,1,Lionfish,1,Marine Fish,12,Mikrogeophagus,1,Nannostomus,1,Paracanthurus,1,Paracheirodon,1,Paratya,1,Pencilfish,1,Pterapogon,1,Pterophyllum,2,Rabbitfish and Foxfaces,1,Shrimp,1,Synchiropus,1,Tangs,2,Tetras,3,Trichogaster,2,Trichopodus,1,Zebrasoma,1,
Aquarium Base: Bolivian ram cichlid - Mikrogeophagus altispinosus
Bolivian ram cichlid - Mikrogeophagus altispinosus
Bolivian ram cichlid are impressively coloured, will not grow too large, will eat most foods, and they can adapt to a number of water conditions...
Aquarium Base
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