Yellow longnose butterflyfish - Forcipiger flavissimus

Yellow longnose butterflyfish is a very popular aquarium fish, they have an interesting habit of swimming on their side or even upside down...

 Yellow longnose butterflyfish, also called as forceps butterflyfish, Forcipiger flavissimus is a very popular aquarium fish, they have an interesting habit of swimming on their side or even upside down from time to time.

Yellow longnose butterflyfish - Forcipiger flavissimus


 Yellow longnose butterflyfish is native to the Pacific, IndoPacific and the Red Sea. This species typically inhabits exposed outer reefs with abundant coral growth and caves and ledges from 2-120 meters in depth. It is occasionally found within lagoon reefs.

 Forcipiger flavissimus has characteristic bright yellow butterfly-shaped body with a black eye spot on the back of the anal fin to confuse predators. The head is black on top and a silvery white below. There is a distinctive bar over the eye. In nature they can reach up to 22 cm in length but usually smaller. They have an extended nose which allows them to access small holes in the reef for prey that other fish cannot get into.

 This species are territorial, patrol their patches of coral with a monogamous partner and usually occurs in pairs, but may also be encountered as solitary animals or in small groups. They will also sometimes join pairs of other species of butterflyfishes as they move across the reef feeding.

 They are known to use acoustic signals in territorial defensive behavior and can emit sounds through fast body movements which seem to compress the swim bladder. A larger fish is able to emit louder sounds than a smaller fish allowing the larger fish to dominate the territorial dispute.

 When they feel threatened they are quick to erect their dorsal fin and twist the body towards the threat. They will allow divers to get fairly close to them, but are quick to dart into cover or under an overhang.

Yellow longnose butterflyfish - Forcipiger flavissimus
© Paul


 Yellow longnose butterflyfish will require a minimum tank capacity of 65 gallons with water temperature of 24-26°C, pH level of 8.0-8.4 and specific gravity of 1.020-1.025. Provide plenty of coral for them to shelter in, as well as open spaces and rocks enabling them to travel freely.

 Ideally, they should be among the first introduced to the tank, as they need to feel comfortable in the environment before they will feed. Take care when handling, always use soft nets as their long noses and dorsal fins can easily get caught and damaged.

 Forcipiger flavissimus can be housed with other, bolder tankmates. However, they are territorial so will fight other members of its own species. They are best kept as the only one of their species per system. This butterflyfish tends to be more destructive in the reef aquarium than its ochreous cousin, the copperbanded butterflyfish

 They need regular feeding. In nature it will pick constantly for small invertebrates, aided by its long nose. Fish housed in aquaria will require frozen and live brine shrimp and mysis shrimp, ideally at least 3 times per day (young fish will require more frequent feeding). They may nibble at coral.

 Forcipiger flavissimus sometimes comes down with the more common aquarium illnesses, namely Cryptocaryon and Amyloodinium. This species is also a frequent carrier of the viral infection, Lymphocystis, which manifests itself as cauliflower-like growths on the finnage. While it is rarely lethal, it takes away from the fish’s beauty.

Yellow longnose butterflyfish - Forcipiger flavissimus


 Yellow longnose butterflyfish does not spawn in the home aquarium. In their natural habitat, spawning is thought to take place in relation to the lunar cycles but this is not certain. The eggs are spherical and buoyant and it is thought they hatch in 28 to 30 hours. Once the eggs hatch a bony plate forms over the head area and the larvae are pelagic for quite some time, before developing into juveniles. This pelagic stage has made it difficult to breed them and there are no reported cases of breeding by aquarists.




Amphiprion,1,Andinoacara,1,Angelfish,2,Apistogramma,1,Butterflyfish,4,Cambarellus,1,Cardinalfish,1,Chaetodon,1,Chelmon,2,Cichlid,4,Cirrhitichthys,1,Clownfish,1,Copella,1,Crayfish,1,Cyrtocara,1,Dendrochirus,1,Dragonet,1,Forcipiger,1,Freshwater fish,14,Freshwater invertebrates,2,Gourami,4,Hawkfish,1,Helostoma,1,Hyphessobrycon,1,Lionfish,1,Marine Fish,12,Mikrogeophagus,1,Nannostomus,1,Paracanthurus,1,Paracheirodon,1,Paratya,1,Pencilfish,1,Pterapogon,1,Pterophyllum,2,Rabbitfish and Foxfaces,1,Shrimp,1,Synchiropus,1,Tangs,2,Tetras,3,Trichogaster,2,Trichopodus,1,Zebrasoma,1,
Aquarium Base: Yellow longnose butterflyfish - Forcipiger flavissimus
Yellow longnose butterflyfish - Forcipiger flavissimus
Yellow longnose butterflyfish is a very popular aquarium fish, they have an interesting habit of swimming on their side or even upside down...
Aquarium Base
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