Ocellaris clownfish - False Percula - Amphiprion ocellaris

Ocellaris clownfish are the most popular species in marine aquarium trade due to their attractive colouration, hardiness and interesting display...

 Ocellaris clownfish, also called as False Percula clownfish, Ocellaris, False clownfish and its scientific name Amphiprion ocellaris, are the most popular species in marine aquarium trade due to their attractive colouration, hardiness and interesting display behaviour, and are also model organisms for reproductive biology research.

Ocellaris clownfish - False Percula - Amphiprion ocellaris


 Ocellaris clownfish are native from the Indo-Pacific region and reach a maximum size of 11 cm in the wild with lifespan of 6-10 years. They inhabits coral reefs and sheltered lagoons up to a depth of 15 m. More specifically, it is mainly found in or near the anemones Heteractis magnifica, Stichodactyla gigantean, and Stichodactyla mertensii as part of a symbiotic relationship.

 False Percula is usually bright orange to reddish-brown with white bands. The black and white colour form occurs naturally around Darwin and is currently thought to be a geographical race. Juvenile black and white clowns retain the orange/brown colour until they reach adulthood, at about 5 cm. Caramel clowns are orange and white as juveniles, gradually developing a rich orange/caramel top half as they mature. There are 11 dorsal spines and 17 pectoral rays that help to distinguish it from the closely related Amphiprion percula.

 Amphiprion ocellaris are protandrous hermaphrodites; they have the ability to change sex from male to female at maturity. Sex change occurs in relation to the social hierarchy, where the two largest individuals (female being the largest of the two) forms a strong monogamous breeding pair while the rest are non-breeders. When the female dies (or is removed), the male changes sex to become the dominant breeding female and the second largest member from the non-breeders becomes the dominant male.

Ocellaris clownfish - False Percula - Amphiprion ocellaris


 Ocellaris clownfish need a tank of at least 10 gallons. They do not usually need a lot of room to swim like some fish do, as they will often swim up and down in a relatively small area much of the time. They will be even happier in a small tank if they have a host, such as an anemone or a coral, that they can use for refuge.

 They require good quality water, ensure their aquarium has a filter and airstone, both operating vigorously. This is a tropical marine species requiring seawater. Change approx 25% every 2-4 weeks. with water temperature of 25-26 °C, alkaline (pH 8.1-8.3) and specific gravity of 1.020-1.024.

 It is recommend waiting at least 2 days after establishing the tank before introducing the fish. Ensure your water parameters are correct before introducing your fish. Keep stocking densities low during the conditioning period, which can take between 3-6 weeks. During this time, monitor the progress of your system by measuring pH, ammonia and nitrite levels. When filters are biologically active test for nitrates, and perform regular partial water changes to keep nitrate levels to a minimum.

  Ocellaris clownfish become territorial at about 5 cm. Once they reach this size, it’s best to keep no more than one pair per tank and only pack one per bag when moving them. Juveniles are very compatible with each other, swimming and feeding together in compact schools.

 Amphiprion ocellaris should not share tanks with aggressive and large fish such as Lionfish, Snappers, Groupers, Triggers, Eels; but they are compatible with many other fish. They do well with wrasses, damselfish, tangs, dartfish, angelfish, blennies, puffers, corals, anemones and gobies. Keep only one clown species in your aquarium. Do not mix the various clown species.

 In the wild, False Percula are omnivorous and opportunistic feeders, whose diets include a high proportion of feed of vegetable origin (algae), followed by plankton, larvae and crustaceans. In auquria, they will happily accept a wide variety of foods. In general, any quality flake or pellet food made for carnivores or omnivores will do just fine. They will benefit from a varied diet, however. Mixing in some frozen foods or even live foods will keep your fish happy and healthy for years. It is best to feed at least once per day. Only give what they can eat within 3 minutes, and clean excess food out of the tank to keep the water optimal.

Ocellaris clownfish - False Percula - Amphiprion ocellaris


 Ocellaris clownfish is able to breed nearly year round because it inhabits tropical waters but may be somewhat limited in the northern reaches of its distribution during winter months. Spawning is concentrated around the full moon and usually occurs in the morning.

 False Perculas can be kept and even bred in an aquarium without the presence of a sea anemone, but a better insight into their behavior will be gained if they are housed with a suitable anemone. The differences in the coloration and patterning of False Perculas may help them to blend in with the different species of sea anemone found across their range.

 Prior to spawning, males prepare a nest where the eggs will be deposited. Males account for the majority of the egg care, but females are involved sporadically. When spawning is about to occur, the male will chase the female to the nest, but the female actually begins the process. The female makes several passes over the nest and eventually lays orange eggs over the period of 1-2 hours and then leave the nest for the male to fertilize the eggs. The eggs take approximately six to eight days to hatch. During incubation, both the parents devoured unfertilized or dead and weekened eggs, and carefully looked after the fertilized eggs till hatching during day time by fanning and mouthing. Once the eggs hatch into the larval stage, they are independent of the parents.




Amphiprion,1,Andinoacara,1,Angelfish,2,Apistogramma,1,Butterflyfish,4,Cambarellus,1,Cardinalfish,1,Chaetodon,1,Chelmon,2,Cichlid,4,Cirrhitichthys,1,Clownfish,1,Copella,1,Crayfish,1,Cyrtocara,1,Dendrochirus,1,Dragonet,1,Forcipiger,1,Freshwater fish,14,Freshwater invertebrates,2,Gourami,4,Hawkfish,1,Helostoma,1,Hyphessobrycon,1,Lionfish,1,Marine Fish,12,Mikrogeophagus,1,Nannostomus,1,Paracanthurus,1,Paracheirodon,1,Paratya,1,Pencilfish,1,Pterapogon,1,Pterophyllum,2,Rabbitfish and Foxfaces,1,Shrimp,1,Synchiropus,1,Tangs,2,Tetras,3,Trichogaster,2,Trichopodus,1,Zebrasoma,1,
Aquarium Base: Ocellaris clownfish - False Percula - Amphiprion ocellaris
Ocellaris clownfish - False Percula - Amphiprion ocellaris
Ocellaris clownfish are the most popular species in marine aquarium trade due to their attractive colouration, hardiness and interesting display...
Aquarium Base
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