FRESHWATER FISH$type=sticky$count=4$cate=1$icon=1
MARINE FISH$type=blogging$cate=2$count=4
FRESHWATER INVERTEBRATES$type=sticky$count=4$cate=1$icon=1
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RECENT WITH THUMBS$type=blogging$m=0$cate=0$sn=0$rm=0$c=4$va=0
- Amphiprion
- Andinoacara
- Angelfish
- Apistogramma
- Butterflyfish
- Cambarellus
- Cardinalfish
- Chaetodon
- Chelmon
- Cichlid
- Cirrhitichthys
- Clownfish
- Copella
- Crayfish
- Cyrtocara
- Dendrochirus
- Dragonet
- Forcipiger
- Freshwater fish
- Freshwater invertebrates
- Gourami
- Hawkfish
- Helostoma
- Hyphessobrycon
- Lionfish
- Marine Fish
- Mikrogeophagus
- Nannostomus
- Paracanthurus
- Paracheirodon
- Paratya
- Pencilfish
- Pterapogon
- Pterophyllum
- Rabbitfish and Foxfaces
- Shrimp
- Synchiropus
- Tangs
- Tetras
- Trichogaster
- Trichopodus
- Zebrasoma
/fa-fire/ YEAR POPULAR$type=one
Mandarin dragonet, also called as Mandarinfish and its scientific name Synchiropus splendidus, is among the most desirable species to ...
Blue Dolphin Cichlid, also called as hump-head cichlid, blue dolphin cichlid, Malawi dolphin and its scientific name Cyrtocara moorii,...
Green neon tetra, also called as Blue Neon, False Neon Tetra and its scientific name Paracheirodon simulans, is a beautiful fish with ...
Foxface rabbitfish, also called as foxface, black-face rabbitfish, common foxface and its scientific name Siganus vulpinus, is a very ...
Black Phantom Tetra, also called as Phantom Tetra and its scientific name Hyphessobrycon megalopterus, is an attractive, peaceful, and...
Dwarf gourami, also know as Trichopodus lalius, Colisa lalia, Polyacanthus lalius, Colisa unicolor and its accepted scientific name ...
Banggai cardinalfish, also called as Banggai Cardinal and its scientific name Pterapogon kauderni, is a small and visually attractive ...
Australian glass shrimp and its scientific name - Paratya australiensis is particularly useful in home aquariums because they love to ...
Agassiz's dwarf cichlid, also know as Geophagus agassizii, Apistogramma parva and its scientific name Apistogramma agassizii, are ...
Angelfish and its scientific name Pterophyllum is a small genus of freshwater fish. They are majestic and popular freshwater ornamenta...